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Episcopal Church

FAQs about weddings


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Question 1) What are the expectations for marriage at St. Mark's?

Response: A marraige rite is a Christian service, and needs to be conducted in accordance with the requirements of both The Episcopal Church and the State of Connecticut. The hope of the parish is that you would become active participants in the life of St. Mark's. 


Question 2) If I am married at St. Mark's, do I automatically become a member?

Response: Membership is a different process.


Question 3) What are my choices for the location of a wedding at St. Mark's?

Response: There are two places where a service might take place at St. Mark's. If the attendance is less than 80 people, it could be in the Chapel. If you anticipate more than 80 people, it could be held in the main part of the Church.


Question 4) Our denomination won't let us marry. Can we be married in the Episcopal Church?

Response: The answer to your question depends on your circumstances, in accordance with diocesan guidelines.


Question 5) We would like the St. Mark's clergy to be the officient at our wedding in another state. Can the clergy do that?

Response: It is up to the clergy on the one hand (clergy may decline to officiate at a marriage for any reason). On the other hand, there may be state and diocesan authorizations needed (the Episcopal Church in Connecticut as well as for the other diocese), in order for the clergy to be able to officiate at weddings in that state and in that diocese. Those requirements could take the clergy some time to fulfill, and the control of the timing may be out of the clergy's hands.  You would also probably want to be providing for the clergy's travel and lodging expenses, and so forth.


Question 6) We would like to rent St. Mark's for our wedding and provide our own clergy. What could we do?

Response: Please contact the parish office. Since St. Mark's is one of several parishes using this building as part of a "church condominium", you would be referred to someone at the 90 Main Street coordinating office who would most likely provide you with the answer to your question.


Question 7) Are the Banns of Marriage required in the Episcopal Church?

Response: The Banns of Marriage are not required. Currently, St. Mark's does not publish the Banns of Marriage.


Question 9) What fees would be associated with St. Mark's and the wedding?

Response: Because St. Mark's is one of the several parishes sharing 90 Main Street as part of a "church condominium", the St. Mark's parish office would be able to provide you with an overview and whom to contact, about which items.


Question 10) I am divorced. May I marry at St. Mark's?

Response: As a divorced person, you will need to apply to the Bishop Diocesan for the Bishop's permission, before a marriage can be permitted to take place in any Episcopal parish in Connecticut. There is not a guarantee that the Bishop will grant the request. For a potential marriage at St. Mark's, please contact the Church office for how to begin the process.


"Open to God's love, serving our neighbor"